Learn by doing!
The real power of Constructing Modern Knowledge emerges from the collaborative project development of participants.
Invent To Learn – Chicago is a minds-on institute for educators committed to creativity, collaboration, and computing. Rather than spend days listening to a series of speakers, this event is all about action. Attendees work on personally meaningful projects and interact with experts concerned with maximizing the potential of each learner.
Powerful ideas from the worlds of S.T.E.M., art, design, and computer science will be explored in each of the studios.
Creative inspiration and ingenuity will spread and be shared across the entire institute.
Each day will also include lunch and snacks. There will also be “fireside chats” organized for 4PM on Friday & Saturday.
Four Studios – Your Choice
Each participant will choose to work in two studios over the four-day institute. Most are offered twice daily. Two are special studio masterclasses.
Select one morning and one afternoon studio. You will be contacted after registration to finalize your schedule.
Making Mathematics Studios | Making Machines Studios | Making Art & Textiles Studios | Making Games Studios | |
Morning 9 – 12 | Masterclass with Gary Stager: Electrifying Children’s Mathematics (PK-8) | Physical Computing and Invention Literacy | Creativity, Code, Art, Embroidery and eTextiles | Game Programming, Animation, and Design |
Afternoon 1 – 4 | Masterclass with David Thornburg: Introduction to Computer Science and Visual Modeling with Snap! (6-12) | Physical Computing and Invention Literacy | Creativity, Code, Art, Embroidery and eTextiles | Game Programming, Animation, and Design |
Take off your teacher hat & put on your learner hat!

Educator modeling her interactive hat complete with a teacher/learner switch
computing & constructive technology in the service of learning…
21st Century educators need to develop their own technological fluency and understand learning in order to meet the changing needs and expectations of their students. Our professional learning events demonstrate the competence of educators and their remarkable ability to embrace an uncertain future once they reacquaint themselves with learning in a modern context.
The Invent To Learn Institute – Chicago will help participants enhance their tech skills, expand their vision of how computers may enhance the learning environment, and leave with practical ideas to use in the classroom. Powerful ideas on the frontiers of creativity and intellectual expression come to life through our playful and productive context for learning.
Beginners and advanced technology-using educators alike can all benefit from this experience. Bring your laptop, digital camera/video camera and imagination! We’ll supply the rest!
“Knowledge is a consequence of experience.”
Jean Piaget
Get ready to amaze yourself!
Studio Descriptions
While it is impossible to list everything you will learn in the Invent To Learn Institute – Chicago, the following descriptions of each studio should provide some hints. Each studio exemplifies learning with one’s heart, head, and hands. Each participant will choose to work in two studios over the four-day institute. Most are offered twice daily. Two are special masterclasses.
Select one morning and one afternoon studio. You will be contacted after registration to finalize your schedule.
Making Machines: Physical Computing and Invention Literacy
Control your world with robotics and physical computing by inventing machines made of motors, lights, sensors, microcontrollers, recycled junk, craft supplies and code. Your inventions may even communicate with each other. The BBC micro:bit, Hummingbird Robotics Kit, Microsoft MakeCode, and the SNAP! programming language will all be part of the mix in this exciting studio.
Making Art & Interactive Textiles
This studio is geared towards those interested in visual expression. Beautiful graphics, embroidery, interactive e-Textiles, and 3D objects will be created by communicating mathematical ideas to the computer with block-based and accessible software, including: Turtle Art, Turtlestitch, and Microsoft MakeCode. Embroidery machines, hand-sewing materials, fabric, electronics, micro:bits, Circuit Playground Express microcontrollers, sensors, 3D printers, LEDs, and batteries are all part of the objects to think with.
Making Games: Programming, Animation, and Design
Would you believe that is now possible to design, program, play, and share your own video games? Not only that, but for about thirty bucks you can carry those games around with you in handheld pocket game controllers. That’s right; you can program your own GameBoy! The motivation for learning powerful STEM ideas and storytelling abound when kids can be real game designers. We will have enough gear for all participants to work with and may even build an arcade cabinet out of a cardboard box or wood. Software used will include Scratch and feature the incredibly powerful MakeCode Arcade from Microsoft.
Making Mathematics (Two to choose from)
#1 Masterclass with Gary Stager: Electrifying Children’s Mathematics
Dr. Stager believes that computer programming is a new liberal art. It gives children agency over an increasingly complex and technologically sophisticated world. Programming is intellectually rich, creatively expressive, and fun. It is perfectly suited to a child’s remarkable capacity for intensity. Mathematics is a way of making sense of the world and computer programming is the way mathematics is made. If our goals are no more ambitious than improving achievement on the existing math curriculum, we would teach every child to program computers. This studio will feature learning adventures in which programming, computer science, and mathematics reinforce each other without a focus on syntax or vocabulary. The emphasis is on doing.
Computing makes project-based learning possible in mathematics. Even while designing graphics, storytelling, or gaming, mathematical thinking and computation are required to realize one’s ambitions. Debugging develops problem solving skills, resilience, independence, and other habits of mind critical for successfully navigating an uncertain future. Participants will learn to code and code to learn so that they may share similar experiences with their students.
Turtle Art, Lynx, Wolfram Alpha, Snap!, MakeCode, and the BBC micro:bit will be used in this studio.
#2 Masterclass with David Thornburg: Introduction to Computer Science and Visual Modeling with Snap!
Dr. David Thornburg is a noted futurist, author, speaker, mentor, and old friend. He has earned every possible award in the world of edtech. We are thrilled to be able to share his expertise and talents with you at the Invent To Learn Institute – Chicago.
Snap! is a perfect tool for exploring Computer Science by everyone, including middle and high school students. It is even taught to college students at UC Berkeley. We’ll explore some rich mathematical topics like the connection between Fibonacci Series and the Golden Mean, including understanding the patterns found in Sunflower seed clusters (a branch of natural science called phylotaxis). From there we’ll look at the 20th century math domain of fractal geometry ― a fascinating branch of math that, thanks to Snap! Is well within the reach students (and their clever teachers).
“The project should be a teacher’s smallest unit of concern.”
Gary Stager
Frequently Asked Questions
The Invent To Learn Institute – Chicago will be held August 5-8, 2021
Contact us if you have questions not answered below
Who should attend the Institute?
Since a variety of experience and expertise enrich the learning environment, teachers of any subject PK-12, teacher educators, and administrators are more welcome at the Invent To Learn Institute – Chicago.
Do I need Specific technology skills?
No! Our faculty is will welcome you where are, helping develop your technological fluency, and then launch you into the future with new superpowers!
Being able to use a mouse/trackpad, web browser, and save a file is always beneficial.
Knowing how to copy/paste will brighten everybody’s day!
How large is the institute?
Due to compliance with CDC and local regulations via COVID-19, institute enrollment will be limited to 60 registrants. We also wish to create an intimate collegial experience for the community.
What is the daily schedule?
Thursday, August 5 to Sunday August 8, 2021
Day one will begin at 8:30 AM for registration and run until 4 PM.
Day 2-3 will feature studios from 9 AM to Noon and 1 – 4 PM followed by a “fireside chat” between prominent thinkers and institute participants.
Day 4 will run from 9 AM – 4 PM.
Lunch will be between Noon and 1 PM daily.
What is Included in the registration fee?
- lunch, cold drinks, and snacks
- micro:controllers and peripherals
- software
- internet access
- arts and craft supplies
- handtools
- necessary hardware
- world-class faculty
Bring your own laptop, charging cable, and cup of morning coffee
COVID-19 Vaccination requirements & Safety Protocols
Each participant and faculty member will be required to certify that they have received the full dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 14 days past their last vaccination.
The studios will be held in well-ventilated spaces. Hand sanitizer will be provided. Safety protocols will be sent in advance, and will follow the CDC guidelines, local policy, and school requirements.
Masks will be required indoors unless CDC and local guidance changes.