Setup Instructions for the Workshop
- Be sure you are using the Chrome browser on your computer/Chromebook. Download here.
- You may use either a Chromebook or traditional laptop for this masterclass.
- Create a login for Snap!
- Install the HyperDuino Media Linker for Chrome
- Create account for BlocksCAD
Software Manuals & reference materials
- Getting Started with Lynx
- Lynx project guides, activity cards, teacher resources
- List of Lynx Primitives (reference manual)
- Snap! Reference Manual
- Learning Modules for Beginners by SAP Young Thinkers
- Computer Science with Snap!, by Eckart Modrow
Snap! MOOCS and Online Courses
- Get Coding with Snap! at openSAP
- From Media Computation to Data Science at openSAP
- The Beauty and Joy of Computing
- Introduction to Computer Science at TEALS
Essential Reading for Institute Participants
- A Plethora of Curated Progressive Education Resources by Gary Stager (discussed during fireside chat)
- Twenty Things to Do with a Computer by Cynthia Solomon and Seymour Papert
- Computer as Material: Messing About with Time by Seymour Papert and George Franz
- Logo History
- What’s the Big Idea? Toward a Pedagogy of Idea Power by Seymour Papert
- What is Logo? And Who Needs It? By Seymour Papert
- Constructing Modern Knowledge – Uncompromising Constructionism for Teacher Development (This article describes the method behind our institute approach.)
- Invention Literacy by Jay Silver
Invent To Learn Web Sites
The Daily Papert (archives of Papert writing and media)
The Invent To Learn website (oodles of resources)
Constructing Modern Knowledge Press (publisher of books by creative educators for creative educators)